Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Never Ending Problems...who's to blame?

Problems are everywhere... its up to you on how you deal with it...

well.. to be honest teenager like me suffer a lot of problems....

problems at home..
problems at school..
problems at friends..
problems at money
and even
problems at relationship..

problems are uncontrollable..

and when we encountered too much of it we tend to forget about our self..

sometimes we wondered how some people looks pretty, beautiful and blooming

we sometimes tell to ourselves that this people don't have a problem..

but it is possible??

a person without problem doesn't exist in this world...

the way we look when we have a problems is the mirror on how we
handle problems...
so if you see someone beautiful dont ever think he/she doesnt have
a problem instead admire him/her because he/she can be able to handle situation
trials/problems/hindrance in his/her life without him/her looking ugly :)

we should always remember that problems is just a test, a challenge...

a challenge from GOD in which he test your faith in him..

indeed problems comes from GOD.... therefore...
GOD will never give us a problem to face if he didnt believe in you..

the harder the problem you face the stronger GOD believe in you :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

♥♥♥ no ONE but YOU !!! ♥♥♥

its been quite a long time

since we've been together

and yet for me its seems

like only yesterday...

we've been together for 20 months now..

but you know what whenever I think about it

i still cant believe that we

were already celebrating our 20th month anniversary..

your love is one of a kind..

and i cant imagine myself loving someone

other than you..

your already a part of my life..

and things will never be the same without you..

the most unforgettable moment of my life

is when we became legally steady...

when you introduced me to your parents

it feels like im flying...

together with the clouds

up in that cool sunny day :)

people notice the bloom on my face..

they often tease me...

they always said what behind

those twinkling eyes of mine :)

well, it seems weird and corny

but behind those twinkling eyes

and blooming face is no one

no one but you!

----- the time ---

as my finger run across my keyboard
a lot of ideas come across my mind

to many concepts different genre..
i dont know how can i be able to put this things into writing..

i know that in one blink of my eyes this ideas will fade away..
and maybe someday it will come cross again to my mind..

and hopefully if that day come I can be able to write it down..
take a note about it so that i can easily remember the parts that is
really necessary for me to write down my thoughts.

i know that time really flies fast...
and whatever happened we can never bring it back..
cause we all know that what happened at this time
can never happened again..

coz the time and event today will never be the same as for tomorrow..
and most of us didnt mind and didnt know how important it is..
hopefully a day will not come that u will
ask the clock to bring back the time..

the time of yesterday...